Having reliable transportation for work, recreation, and to run daily errands is essential. If public transportation or...

Be honest. Along with probably everyone else you know, you've dreamed of winning the lottery, right? Even though you know...

When it comes to saving money, most people start with a basic savings account. Then, they move straight into market-based...

Make Budgeting a Family Thing

by ACCU Staff on 1/27/20 10:00 AM

Financial education begins at home. What's one way that you can teach your kids the importance of setting financial goals, ...

When it comes to money, a lot of teens simply are unaware of how much their expenses impact their income. So they are left...

It’s never too early to begin teaching your children the importance of saving money. Whether they receive tooth fairy money...

Money is one of the most challenging topics for today’s parents to discuss with their children. In some cases, it is the...

A Forever Family for Emmi

by ACCU Staff on 10/3/19 9:00 AM

When Amanda Crawford Cagle was a little girl, all she wanted to be when she grew up was a mom. Two years after marrying her...

Fraudsters are getting more sophisticated with their phishing techniques. Are you watching out for all 10 of the most common...

Hovering Over Links

by ACCU Staff on 4/29/19 12:00 PM

How can you tell if an email is safe? Even if you catch red flags in an email, such as typos or poor grammar, an urgent...


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This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Added savings protection provided by American Share Insurance (ASI) on qualifying member’s accounts in excess of that provided by NCUA. ASI is a credit union owned-share guaranty corporation. Equal housing opportunity.

Personal Accounts:
Federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration to $250,000.
Excess coverage by American Share Insurance, for consumer accounts up to $200,000.

Organization Accounts:
Federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration to $250,000.
Excess coverage by American Share Insurance, for organizational accounts up to $100,000.